Description of services

Stakeholder mapping

Organisations must understand their stakeholders to make informed decisions and build meaningful relationships. Comprehensive stakeholder mapping provides insights to engage groups effectively based on their priorities and motivations.


Yuzu Communications harnesses AI to accelerate stakeholder analysis. Our automated data mining tools aggregate information from thousands of sources to develop detailed stakeholder profiles. Machine learning identifies connections and influence patterns within the ecosystem.

 Our consultants use these AI-powered visualisations to understand stakeholder interests and concerns better. We leverage predictive analytics to determine which groups to prioritise, tailor engagement strategies, and personalise communications to resonate.


This AI-augmented approach delivers key benefits:


·      Holistic stakeholder ecosystem mapping based on real-time data

·      Segmentation and grouping for targeted outreach

·      Insights to craft personalised messages and optimal engagement tactics

·      Ability to track sentiment changes and adapt strategies accordingly

·      More time focused on engagement versus manual research

 With Yuzu's AI-driven stakeholder mapping, you can engage audiences strategically based on data-backed insights for greater impact.

Let's connect to determine how these capabilities can support your goals.